Bayou Ethane Pipeline

Pipeline Emergency? Call Bayou Ethane Pipeline: 1-866-506-7160

Boardwalk Petrochemical Pipeline Logo

Who We Are

Bayou Ethane Pipeline (“Bayou Ethane”), links ethane producers and consumers from Mont Belvieu, Texas to the Mississippi River Corridor via a common carrier system. The ethane pipeline connects to Boardwalk Louisiana Midstream, LLC (“Boardwalk”) ethane storage assets located in Sulphur, Louisiana and Choctaw, Louisiana as well as ethane consumers in the Beaumont/Port Arthur, Sulphur/Lake Charles and the Mississippi River regions.

Our Operations

Bayou Ethane is an approximately 380 mile pipeline supported by long-term, fee based contracts.

Our Services

Bayou Ethane transports ethane between Mont Belvieu, Texas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where it interconnects with the ethane distribution system and Boardwalk’s storage facilities on the Mississippi River. Bayou Ethane also provides connectivity to Boardwalk’s Sulphur storage facilities, located near the emerging Lake Charles petrochemical corridor.